Reducing Waste in the Kitchen

City of Busselton’s Recycling Education Officer explains how reducing waste can be as easy as using leftovers in your fridge!

Bessie Mulhall is the Recycling Education Officer for the City of Busselton and is particularly interested in reducing waste.

Bessie says reducing waste in the kitchen doesn't necessarily require a lot of commitment, it just requires a willingness to learn and a touch of creativity. 

“The City of Busselton is very supportive and encouraging of initiatives and projects that work to reduce waste and divert waste from landfill. The City have engaged Sophie Budd, a Perth based chef to come help us learn more about reducing waste with cooking” says Bessie. 

Sophie's gives hints and tips about how to reduce food waste, such as learning how to use leftovers in creative and innovative ways. For more innovation on reducing waste and waste in general, check out the City of Busselton's website.

The next time you go to cook a meal, check your fridge and see how you can be clever and innovative with the food that you have left.


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