Recreation and the Dalwallinu Community

The refurbishment and creation of the multi-purpose recreation centre in Dalwallinu is a huge community asset.

The Shire of Dalwallinu community is very proud of its refurbished recreation centre, and it isn’t hard to see why.  The building itself was self-funded by Council which is massive.  This is an amazing asset for this community.”

Within the Recreation Centre complex there is a function room, commercial kitchen, indoor sports hall, a gym and an aquatic centre amongst many other facilities. It now has something for everybody really.  They play football and cricket and adjacent to the oval is a newly refurbished hockey oval.  Council is in the process of building a new pavilion to specifically service this area.

Behind the recreation centre is the Dalwallinu Community Hub which offers the relatively small local community a valuable facility.  Everything you can want is here.  Come along and see it because it's quite an unusual thing to have in a Wheatbelt town and the community are very proud of it.


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