Lake Argyle in Wyndham-East Kimberley

Shire of Wyndham East-Kimberley President David Menzel talks about Lake Argyle and the annual Lake Argyle Swim.

Hello I'm David Menzel. I'm the Shire President of the Shire of Wyndham - East Kimberley.
Lake Argyle provides the storage that enables the irrigated agriculture to proceed and the Ord river to flow year-round.

The body of water is very impressive. Its remote location means that it is really a storage and not used for much else.

While there's some sightseeing and wildlife viewing and a small fishing enterprise, it is a vastly underutilized body of water.
The Lake Argyle Swim is the feature event as well as adventure races that are being held. They bring an enormous focus to the lake itself, bringing people from overseas, interstate and the local area to participate.

One thing we find is people don't allow enough time to appreciate all of the  town and the Shire have to offer.

I would encourage people to come and visit our region. I came to visit 26 years ago and I'm still here.


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