There's lots to love about Gingin

Shire of Gingin President Wayne Fewster explains why he wouldn't live anywhere else.

Stretching from the pristine beaches of Lancelin and Guilderton on the coast, to rolling pastures and charming rural towns, the Shire of Gingin is an ideal road trip destination from Perth.
In this region you’ll find bountiful produce including honey, locally-grown vegetables and livestock, quaint bed and breakfasts, museums and more.
During wildflower season, over 50 different types of Banksias can be spotted around the region, making it an ideal time to visit.
Shire President Wayne Fewster is passionate about the Gingin community, first being a longstanding Councillor for 16 years and now President. “Gingin's a great place to live” he says. “We've got a very diverse Shire… we've got massive tourism on the coast and a lot of influx of people”.
When asked about his favourite place in the Shire, Wayne says there’s no secret that it’s the beaches. “I'm a fisherman and growing up I was always keen to get out to the beach as often as possible but I also do like the rural lifestyle, it's a great way of life” says Wayne.
“I encourage everyone to come to Gingin, we've got so much to offer and it's not far from the CBD” he says.


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