Revitalising the Shire of Broome’s Town Centre

Shire of Broome CEO Sam Mastrolembo explains the Jetty to Jetty redevelopment project which will link Chinatown and Town Beach.

Hi my name is Sam Mastrolembo, I'm the Chief Executive Officer at the Shire of Broome.
I'm keen to tell you about our jetty to jetty project here in Broome which links two of our key precincts, Chinatown and Town Beach.

The Chinatown revitalisation project is a $12million dollar project funded through the state government primarily, with $10million dollars from Royalties for Regions, and $2million dollars from the Shire of Broome.

The project is all about revitalising our town centre and really changing the form of our public realm. We have a real opportunity in Carnarvon Street which is our main street, to look at reducing down bitumen, removing some car bays, reducing the seal of the road and creating a larger verge where we can create spaces.

The Town Beach project involves a $4.5million dollar protection wall to protect against high-level sea rise and erosion that's occurring in the site. That project has just commenced and once the revetment wall is completed, we'll be looking at a green space upgrade.

The green space upgrade is funded through Lottery West for $2.8million and includes a new nature play area for kids, a half-court basketball area, and a market area. The Shire has a caravan park within this precinct which is the final stage of a redevelopment of the entire site and area.

It's very popular for tourists and we look forward to the works being completed in the middle of 2019.


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