History of Broome's Sun Picture Theatre

Sun Picture Theatre is a working museum in Broome. Tony Hutchinson talks about the history of the theatre and why this heritage site is important to the Town.

Tony Hutchinson is the previous owner of the Sun PictureTheatre and a real estate agent in the little resort town of Broome and shares a bit of the history of the Sun Picture Theatre.

The Sun Picture Theatre is a working museum, with a good supply and display of the old movie projectors, really old hand-coloured pictures of some of the old stars of yesteryear: including Charlie Chaplin and the likes.

The Broome Council has always offered support to Tony and other owners of the Theatre, as it is very high up in the Broome historic buildings and has heritage listing status. It's such an iconic building and the Shire has always helped with traffic management for events and offered support when the theatre has hosted functions, as well as always keeping Chinatown in a good state so that customers would feel welcome when they came down to the cinema at night. 


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