Go for Gold in Leonora

Shire of Leonora CEO Jim Epis shares what there is to see and do in the region.

The Shire of Leonora is a mining and pastoral area located in Western Australia’s rugged Goldfields region, situated approximately 234kms north of Kalgoorlie.
Rich in mining history, people from all over the State visit the region to try their hand at gold prospecting and can learn interesting facts about the area’s gold rush past.
Tourists can visit one of the many heritage attractions at the Gwalia Historic Precinct including Hoover House, the Gwalia Museum, the original miner’s huts and the recently restored headframe.
Shire of Leonora CEO Jim Epis says that the area has lots of interesting things to do and see. “Many people to the region spend days and even weeks prospecting for gold in all parts of the Shire” he says.
Come and visit the Shire of Leonora and see for yourself.


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