Filleting Fish in Shark Bay

Fishing in WA, John Standring previously from Shark Bay Fish Factory shares how to fillet your fish, fish filleting stations in Shark Bay

The Shark Bay Fish Factory, is a small unique factory. It processes around 100 to 120 ton of whiting and mullet per year and about 100 ton of mixed fish like tailor, bream, snapper and mackerel.

The fishing in Shark Bay is very important to tourism and the local Shire does a lot to help and support the fishing industry, such as building filleting benches and filleting utilities down off the foreshore.

A few tips about filleting from John Standring, "the first thing and the most important thing, is a very sharp knife, and keep the knife sharp. Then you need to make sure that the fish is scaled properly. You don't want scales on the fish because that will make your knife run off the flesh". says John.

"The most important thing is to cut the head and make sure you cut the head nice and straight, the main part of your recovery is in the head. Then the next one is two cuts: one cut from the back into the middle of the backbone and then the second cut is from the backbone and slice over and that way you'll get your best recovery on your fish".


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